Trauma- Healing Starts Within

What we don’t know, do we truly seek to find answers? The stigma in the African American community is to not go see a “quack”, or “what happens in our house, stays in our house.”  Have one day duly considered the amount of trauma that hold for a child to carry on family secrets. As humans we are creating for relationships, companionship, and security in another. However when a child is forced to hold secrets, it causes them to isolate in fear. Fear of what if… what if I say something and I get in trouble or I say nothing and someone gets hurt. 

The emotional imbalance is not understood by the child. They then begin to retreat and succumb to the trauma. As the child grows and moves about life, there seems to be an emotional disconnect with how the young adult becomes resilient at school, home, work, or in relationships. They have learned to hold on to challenges without externally processing them. They have learned to not talk about it but instead carry the anxiety, guilt, and shame. 

It’s not to late. Self-awareness is the first foundation into BECOMING resilient. The ability to check in with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions to regulate your emotional response is the optimal goal of mindfulness leading to an awareness of self. Learning triggers, motivations, and values will create a safe anchor or home base to return to during challenging times.  Do you know your home base? Are you safe there? 

If you are ready to start your journey to heal fill out the contact form and Queen will give you a call. 


The Final Curtain

