
The last few days, I’ve been focused and meditating on being GRATEFUL and giving my genuine expressions of GRATITUDE. This is has been not only to people who show up in my life, but grateful to My Creator, My Father for the simplicities of life, for grace and mercy, for love, joy, peace, meekness, long-suffering, gentleness, creative inspirations, entrepreneurial spirit, healing hands, loving heart, and so on and so forth. Its been truly an AMAZING time to spend in my own thoughts. You know what else happened?!! I asked myself ” Queen, when you were meditating daily, reading the Word daily, worshipping daily, and journal daily, EVERYTHING was crystal clear. What happened?” You know what happened, I let life get in the way… which meant I was cutting corners like cutting the edges off a grilled cheese sandwich..and just going for the good stuff. But in going for the good stuff, I missed enjoying the process to get there. If you can imagine, yes I’m the one who normally likes to eat the oreo and recees from the inside out…LOL

What I realized is that I was skipping the very things that was giving me peace. The very things that uncovered all the mud so I can be seen spotless and ready to receive what My Father had for me. I don’t know about you but Prayer is my key to life everyday. When I need to unlock mysteries.. I pray! When I need to decide which way to turn the key, I pray! For this I’m Grateful!!!

I remember when I was going through trials in my life and my way of escape was painting. To me I painted beautiful pieces, but I was focused on making something beautiful from the anger inside. As I walked around JoAnn’s this evening I thought to myself, Why am I not crafting and painting regularly anymore? I have such a gift that can be shared. I had to remind myself, we are not tied to just one gifting. We have many talents, and its nothing wrong with tapping into what makes us happy, feel fulfilled, and gives us peace. For this I’m Grateful!!!

I encourage you today to take sometime to re-examine your methods of self-care and practice the are of Gratitude! Take an inventory of the things and abilities to which you are grateful for( time, talents, gifts, creativity, love).. and give them freely to others!!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!


Answering The Call


Fighting the me within